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PI Planning Paperback
PI Planning plays a central role in the Scaled Agile Framework. This book will provide you with the essential steps necessary to prepare your organization, create your backlog and conduct planning at scale with multiple delivery teams. Learn how to estimate the scope of what can be delivered within a PI timebox. Learn how to establish PI Objectives.  Learn the critical Agile Program Practices for keeping the program on track throughout execution of the PI, and how to measure success. Get the paperback version from Amazon. $19.99

PI Planning Kindle
PI Planning plays a central role in the Scaled Agile Framework. This book will provide you with the essential steps necessary to prepare your organization, create your backlog and conduct planning at scale with multiple delivery teams. Learn how to estimate the scope of what can be delivered within a PI timebox. Learn how to establish PI Objectives.  Learn the critical Agile Program Practices for keeping the program on track throughout execution of the PI, and how to measure success. Get the Kindle version from Amazon, $9.99

PI Planning eBook
PI Planning eBook
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to the Scaled Agile Framework. This provides an overview of the SAFe framework.
  • Chapter 2. Organizing for scaled delivery. Describes the organizational prerequisites for successful SAFe adoption.
  • Chapter 3. Constructing an ART Backlog. The ART Backlog is the starting point for PI Planning. This chapter describes how to create a backlog that is aligned with product vision and strategy and has product features sufficiently well-refined to support PI Planning.
  • Chapter 4. PI Planning Step-By-Step, takes you through each of the basic steps of planning a PI.
  • Chapter 5. PI Execution Practices explains the essential roles, practices, and artifacts necessary for successful execution and delivery throughout a PI.
Download the eBook, $20.00

The Way of CI - Book Cover
The Way of Continuous Improvement
Software teams cannot succeed in improving delivery performance through ad hoc changes—they must adopt a systematic and continuous approach that supports clear business goals. 

The Lean model of continuous incremental improvement through Kaizen is an effective strategy for improvement. Teams can incorporate a Kaizen approach into the retrospective process in the pursuit of long-term goals. 

Download the eBook.


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