

Retrospectives are at the core of how teams solve operational problems as they seek to accomplish goals. Retrospectives provide insight into how they are doing and how they might perform more effectively. Bubble-Retros is an easy-to-use, no frills tool for planning and conducting retrospectives, and is ideal for distributed teams.

Team Retrospective
Team Retrospective

Read the article: Success with Retrospectives

Try it for free here: Bubble-Retrospectives.


Surveys are another powerful tool for continuous improvement. Surveys enable team members to share ideas and suggestions for improving work processes, problem-solving, and innovation. This can help organizations adapt to change more quickly and effectively, and can lead to a more engaged workforce. Bubble-Surveys is an easy-to-use, no frills tool for planning and conducting team agility assessments.

Likert Scale Team Survey
Likert Scale Team Survey

Read the article: Surveys for Continuous Improvement

Try the survey tool for free here: Bubble-Surveys.

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